As our conversation progressed, we both nodded knowingly at the thoughts of encountering the “glassy-eye-stare” and the uncomfortable feeling that accompanies the “pregnant pause” during simple business networking introductions.
For days I was intrigued by the prospect of standing tall and bravely articulating my energy and intuitive service offering in a mainstream business networking setting. The feeling was empowering and liberating (like butterflies in the stomach). Before long, I felt that I might be on to something so I decided to get feedback from other intuitives and energy workers.
Guess what? The upside was that everyone seemed to know, or have their own spin, on exactly what I was talking about … and yet, the disheartening part was that no one really had a definitive answer on “How To” handle such a situation. So alas, the glassy-eyed-stare and pregnant pause dilemma remained a mystery (at least to me).
I did glean three real life approaches from energy and intuitive practitioners that I’d like to share with you. You are more than welcome to add your experience to the list:
– Active: Engage a coach to help craft a 30-second sound byte to help communicate the intuitive/energy counseling service offering more clearly.
– Passive: Remain inactive and trust that whomever is suppose to receive your message will receive it.
– Probing: Ask a number of questions to help the listener engage in the conversation.
Hmm, if you are an intuitive or energy practitioner who attends mainstream business and networking events, how do you stand tall and confidently (openly) present your “energy-oriented” service offering?
This question is intriguing and timely, so I’m really interested in what you have to say 😉
Love to hear from you … and enjoy the day!
Mildred Lynn