I don’t know about you, but I have recently discovered that listening to music is one of the best ways to “shift” Life Force Energy and bring yourself into a good life space – quickly.
It all started one day with an ordinary visit to YouTube where I stumbled upon a contemporary Native American group called Brulé and AIRO, and a music video called The Spirit of the Bear(also known as Buffalo Moon).
As I listened intently to the rhythmic composition and watched the thoughtful, well-paced video, it occurred to me that the very “energy” of this music had the surprising effect of uplifting and grounding me at the same time. Yes siree, by the end of the song I was I totally energized, centered, and spellbound.
Next, I decided to listen to Stomp Danceby Brulé. I was entranced by the pulsating energy and chant-like cadence of the music. Once again, I was energized and centered, but this time, I felt a strength building through the core of my being.
Who was this musical group and where did they come from?
As it turns out, the genesis of Brule’s story, via founder Paul LeRoche, is as intriguing as the music. You see, Paul LeRoche was raised by adoptive parents in Minnesota, believing for most of his life, that he was of French Canadian descent. In 1993, after the death of both adoptive parents, he discovered that he was adopted at birth from the Lower Sioux Brule Reservation. (If you would like to hear more about his life changing experience, watch theKSTP Minnesota interview). Since then, Paul LeRoche has turned his powerful feelings into humanitarian causes through music, with his group Brulé promoting peace and harmony, whilst winning many awards.
So, I said to myself, now I understand why this music has such a big impact on me – it is the heart and soul music of someone who has had the courage to embrace a huge shift to reclaim and honor self, and with an open-heart, share that self with others. In this case, through beautiful, soul connecting music.
Now, each morning, I find the time to listen to both The Spirit of the Bear and Stomp Dance, because just as nutritious, organic food nourishes my body, these two songs invigorate and boost my Life Force Energy, putting me in a good place to greet the day, no matter my starting point. Thank you Brulé!
Question: If you could chose a song to boost your energy each morning, what would it be?
Look forward to hearing from you … and enjoy the day!