Most people gravitate toward others who share the same beliefs. Did you ever notice that? If you are into energy work (like I am), you might even take it up a notch and surmise that people are attracted to others who vibrate at the same energy level or frequency. If you are not into energy work, you might simply say that “birds of a feather flock together”. At the end of the day, it is the same thing.
Beliefs, and by extension, belief systems are powerful energy magnets that shape our inner and outer worlds … and they can be innocently (or not so innocently) misleading. For example, in the 1500s, authority figures believed that the world was flat as a pancake; in the 1940s doctors appeared in ads advocating the health benefits of cigarettes (at the time, many believed it to the true); and in the 19th century the commonly held belief was that all God’s creation existed only to serve Man.
Let’s look at today’s beliefs. In our time, the bulk of our food and grains are genetically modified in some form, most of our meats are factory farmed, common foods are preservative rich, nutrition poor, and trekked for miles across the country … and, many believe drinking water from a plastic bottle (which may take about 450 years to decompose) is better for the environment than water that comes from a tap. Belief systems are far from infallible, so how do you check yours out?
From what I’ve observed, the best way to discern whether or not a belief is valid for you is to confidently tap into your inner compass. The good news is that everyone has one, and the even better news is that your inner compass is linked to happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace; in essence, it is the filter that is in direct alignment with the true North of your heart and spirit. Three things to remember about your inner compass:
First, the more you use it, the more confident, clear, and empowered you become;
Second, sometimes the needle of the compass might be a little off (away from true North). For example, if you are in the forest finding your way and have a lot of metal on your body, you will have difficulty finding the true magnetic North. (This happened to an engineer friend who stubbornly insisted that his compass was pointing true North only to discover that his gloves had a thick metal buckle that was skewing the compass needle to North West). The same principle applies to your personal belief compass; you have to be open to removing the “metaphorical metal”, so your inner compass needle reads true;
Third, every now and then your beliefs need to be challenged, refreshed, and revitalized; the more you do it, the easier and more natural it gets.
So, when was the last time you examined your beliefs, put them under the microscope, and challenged what you really believe to be true?
If you are like most people, the most impressive kick-at-the-belief-can will be in the flicker and fade of self-improvement New Year resolutions; unless of course, you have a life-changing event that leaves you hanging upside down like a bat in a cave; or if you choose to employ the services of a life coach.
Would it surprise you to know that many people buy into belief systems by distraction, convenience, or default? You know what I’m talking about; the plethora of “ready-made” belief systems, like the ones that come to you through your family of origin, authority figures, consumerism, or via the shiny tinsel values of popular culture (gasp!). I’m not saying that there aren’t valuable beliefs that are passed along through these vehicles, just that unless your inner belief compass is engaged, robust, and pointing true North, how in the world will you be able to tell the difference?
If you are interested in doing some cleaning in the personal belief department, here are four tips:
1. Be patient, gentle, and loving with yourself; this is a process, not a race;
2. Learn to listen to the subtle, loving guidance of your inner compass; having the gumption and confidence to act on the guidance of your inner compass comes later;
3. Look to Nature for nourishment and support; observe eco-systems, acknowledge that as a human being, you are part of an eco-system; from this vantage point, observe how your beliefs shift, evolve, and grow;
4. Pick up a current belief and ask yourself “When and where did I get this belief?” Go deeper to explore if the belief is driven by ideology or what feels good and true about your evolving relationship with your inner compass. After this exploration, ask yourself “What steps am I taking if I do believe in this?” or “What steps am I taking if I don’t believe in this?”
Finally, if you find yourself in a position where you have challenged, explored, and then chosen to embrace a belief, look at what structures you can put in place to support the belief, so it will in turn support you as you go about your daily life. For example, I believe that one of the true currencies of life is kindness, so I actively integrate, acknowledge, and nurture this energy every day. The net result is that my beliefs and actions are in sync, so precious nuggets of happiness, inner peace, and fulfillment are mine to enjoy.
Next steps:
In my next blog post, I’ll share three excellent Earth-related manifestos that may provide an exceptional foundation for your personal beliefs or belief systems.
Share your thoughts and feelings with others:
If this post has sparked an idea, perspective, reference to a real-life experience, resource, role model, or inspiration, please feel free to share it with others by leaving a comment below. Feedback is welcome, valued, and appreciated.
Enjoy the day!
Mildred Lynn