LISTEN NOW or LATER Is your sense of home connected to an external space such as a specific geographic location, an internal space like a spiritual life purpose or blueprint … hmm, or is your sense of home wrapped up in a warm feeling of being “at home” with yourself? The good news is that if you are able to discern the role of each of the above in your day-to-day life, you might be able to identify your unique and true sense of HOME that will nurture, nourish and complete you. Join your … [Read more...]
EPISODE 15: Healing Conversations with Mildred Lynn – HOUSE HEAL; Soul Nudge: CONSIDER THE SOURCE; Round Table Topic – HOME
LISTEN NOW OR LATER Have you ever considered that there is a powerful connection between what is in your HOME and what is in your LIFE? If yes, you'll love our chat with author Sara Brown Crowder as she shares the story behind her book HOUSE HEAL: Transform Your Life through the Power of Home. Find out what Awareness, Desire, and Willingness can do for you, plus enjoy Sara's tips, real life stories, and guidance. In our new SOULNUDGE segment, Mildred Lynn will offer a … [Read more...]