How many of us are wrestling with a deep desire to “start again”? At times the idea can be exhilarating, and at other times, exhausting. As for myself, I seem to oscillate between both poles. I've chosen to have a life with lots of change in it, and for the most part, it has served me well. But this time, as I feel the touch of change at my back, … [Read More...]
Podcasts, Internet Radio Shows, and Blogs

When Life is Getting Crazy and Hazy
It's getting kind of weird “out there”; so it might be time to wrap yourself up in Community and Nature, hunker down, and ride out the storm. At least that is what I … [Read More...]

Are You Being Nourished or Drained?
I have a little project for August; it is near and dear to my heart because it centers around gratitude, balance, and nourishment. For the past couple of years, … [Read More...]

What are you built for?
One thing that I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that I yearn to travel lightly; to disencumber myself from the “ties that bind’” and touch the freedom … [Read More...]

How can I make something out of nothing?
I've been playing with a “How can I make something out of nothing?” inner dialogue for the past couple of months; diligently training myself to use it … [Read More...]

“What’s Your Father’s Name?” Cape Breton custom has roots in the Hebrides
If you spend a little time on Cape Breton Island, chances are you’ll encounter someone in your daily travels being asked the familiar question: “What’s your father’s … [Read More...]

My Dementia Caregiver Journey: An Unexpected Path to Enlightenment
I’ve read plenty of articles about how dementia changes the person diagnosed with it; but a commentary on how the dementia journey changes you, a loving family … [Read More...]

From Cape Breton to California: Beauty Redefined
Sometimes it takes a few years, and several off-island encounters, to appreciate the many qualities of our “living” Cape Breton culture. I say living because the … [Read More...]

Feeling Overwhelmed? Better to Climb the Mountain Than Carry it
Not long ago, I remember feeling like the person in this photo. On the outside, everything looked normal (hey, maybe even fashionable). But inside, I felt the weight … [Read More...]

Connecting with a Deer Animal Totem, Heart-to-Heart
I love working with Animal Totems. They give me a deep sense of comfort, guidance, and direction. For example, a couple of days ago, a young deer arrived in my … [Read More...]

What I Learned About Self-Reflection from Stories and Quotes
I read a story last week about life. It was a simple story, written in easy-to-understand words and articulated from the perspective of a “fairy”. Yes, you read that … [Read More...]