What happens after you follow your heart and take a magic carpet ride into the unknown? For many, this is when a special brand of post-leap endurance and stamina kick in.
Why do we need endurance and stamina? We need it because right after a heart-centered leap of faith, there is often a transition stage or gestation period where new life patterns form and old life patterns dissolve. The tricky part is that for a while, they are both happening at the same time (gasp!).
The good news is that endurance and stamina are excellent gestation energy stabilizers for those highly vulnerable moments when initial post-leap elation evaporates and the unsettling “Oh my, what have I done?” self-speak begins. Here are four common scenarios that I’ve observed in the area of post-leap endurance and stamina:
Scenario 1: Boom & Bust – 25% of people hit the ground running after taking a leap of faith and then slowly lose momentum;
Scenario 2: Seesaw – 10% of people freeze after their leap of faith and falter;, often taking one step forward and then taking one or two steps back;
Scenario 3: Get Me Out of Here! – 20% of people have a wide-eyed stare (“What have I done?”), panic, and then quickly attempt to scramble back up the cliff;
Scenario 4: Built-to-Last – 45% of people put extra gas in the mind-body-spirit energy tank before their leap of faith, pace themselves, and are well-positioned to embrace the next step of the self-discovery process.
Like any new personal growth opportunity we tackle in life, the more often you follow your heart, trust the Universe and leap off the cliff, the better you become at preparing, leaping and dealing with the aftermath. On a very encouraging note, the percentage of people manifesting the Built-to-Last scenario often increases from 45% to 70% by the second mind-body-spirit leap of faith.
Ask yourself this …
If you are considering making a big life change, ask yourself “Do I have enough gas in my tank to sustain you post-leap of faith?” If the answer is a resounding yes, then you most likely a) have already experienced one or more of the first three post-jump scenarios cited above; b) are devoting time and attention to the your well-being; 3) love leaping into the unknown because were a kangaroo in your last life (… just kidding!).
The mind-body-spirit life expanding experience of taking a leap of faith doesn’t end when your toes touch the ground and you exhale in delight. Planting your toes on the ground simply sets you up for the transition or gestation energy stage–a place where familiar energetic structures are revamped, emotions run tender, and beliefs percolate to the surface to be challenged and reset.
To help you navigate the Life After the Leap stage successfully, invest in life supporting structures such as honest, compassionate self-talk, surround yourself with inspiring people and books, connect with nature’s grounding heartbeat, and consider engaging the services of a trained professional such a life coach or similar facsimile.
Give yourself the beautiful gift of finding out what you really need to go the extra mile toward a spectacular post-leap of faith experience – complete with all the trimmings.