One thing that I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that I yearn to travel lightly; to disencumber myself from the “ties that bind’” and touch the freedom that comes with being nimble enough to embrace life’s opportunities as they pop up here, there, and everywhere.
The ties that bind? Well, that’s a broad area that encompasses material possessions, archaic responsibilities, old beliefs, friendships that have run their course, habits that constrain, and stagnant emotions. (As I re-read my list, it all sounds pretty heavy, but it’s not; just a gathering of life’s “growing pains” that ebb and flow for all of us).
On the wings of a dove …
Traveling lightly is a state of mind; a compass point, and a life goal. It is also a healthy way to activate your ability to discern and “keep your filter clean”. As an aside, when I do my daily visualization, I simply ask for clarity; clarity to “see” what is in my highest purpose. It is my most precious and valued life tool.
When I look at my life, it has been an interesting one. Sometimes I shake my head and ask why I took this journey along the outer edges of the inner landscape of my being. The answer is simple, it is the journey I was built for. You have a journey you are built for. That is why it is so important for everyone to figure out theirs; to strive to understand what makes them happy, fulfilled, and content (no matter how off the beaten track it appears to be).
Take a deep breath and exhale …
It takes courage. There is no way around it. It takes a firm resolve to put a stake in the ground and challenge yourself to be who you are. Or as I like to say, who you came here to be. It is like you are wrapped in a film and you need to stretch it to best fit you. You can see through the film you just need to adjust it to the shape your soul desires. The upside is a tremendous sense of “being in the flow”; which I think can be best described as a runner’s high; being in the zone, or a feeling of being connected and one with everyone and everything.
This is not to say that all of life’s hiccups and setbacks disappear. When you are connected to yourself, the true you, the ability to navigate difficult times and conflicting opportunities improve and requires less energy, time, and attention. You feel like you are not alone; and in these times of social and physical distancing, becoming your own best friend is essential.
Be your own best friend …
On a personal l note, and I look back at this fondly, my mother used to tell me that the person I liked to be with the best was “myself”. At the time, I wasn’t sure what she was trying to tell me and I didn’t know where to put it, but over the years, her wisdom has become clearer: I was content with being me (for better or for worse – ha!).
Ultimately, the ability to travel life’s corridors lightly and a desire to help everyone re-align with who they are is why I became a life coach. It is what I am built for and it is what makes me tick.
So, the question I’ll offer today for your consideration is this: “What are you built for?”
Stay safe … and enjoy the day!
Mildred Lynn