Listen Now or Later Frustration. It is a fact of life that grabs most people in its fiery clutches now and then ... but, is it a friend or foe? Please join SoulVox L*I*V*E Internet radio hosts Mildred Lynn McDonald, John Carosella, and Madonna MacInnis as they tackle the inner and outer dance of frustration with the following practical questions: 1. How does frustration show up in your life? 2. How does the energy of frustration teach us? 3. Do you have a personal tip on how to deal with … [Read more...]
EPISODE 30: Healing Conversations with Mildred Lynn – DIVINE STYLE MAKEOVERS; Round Table – FRUSTRATION
LISTEN NOW or LATER They say that “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. But, what if the “beholder” is you … and you feel that your inner “beauty” is not reflected in how you present yourself to the world. What do you do? Where do you go? Enter Ronnie McCullough and Kathryn Heflin, two vibrant California gals who have combined their knowledge, passion and talent to create DIVINE STYLE MAKEOVERS, a consulting practice specializing in the "Outward Expression of Your Inner Spirit”. During our … [Read more...]